Ordinary Mind Zen School

Ordinary Mind Zen School Seal.png

The Ordinary Mind Zen School is evolving a style of Zen that is adapted to Western temperaments and ways of life but maintains the rigour and discipline of its traditional roots. The teaching is highly pragmatic. It is less concerned with the concentrated pursuit of special experiences than with the development of insight into the whole of life. It favours a slower but healthier, more responsible development of the whole character, in which psychological barriers and emotions are addressed rather than bypassed.

It sees practice as working with whatever comes up in our everyday lives, including being in a relationship, family life, the workplace as well as the formal and structured practice of Zen.


The Ordinary Mind Zen School intends to manifest and support practice of the Awakened Way as expressed in the teachings of Charlotte Joko Beck. The school consists of teachers in the lineage of Charlotte Joko Beck as they, as individuals, have been formally authorized.

There is no affiliation with other Zen groups or religious denominations; however, membership in this school does not preclude individual affiliation with other groups. Within the school there is no hierarchy of Dharma Successors

The Awakened Way is universal; the medium and methods to realize it vary according to circumstances. Each Dharma Successor in the school may apply diverse practice approaches and determine the structure of any organization that s/he may develop to facilitate practice.

The Dharma Successors acknowledge that they are ongoing students and the quality of their teaching derives from the quality of their practice. As ongoing students, teachers are committed to the openness and fluidity of practice, wherein the wisdom of the absolute may be manifested in life. An important component of this school is the ongoing examination and development of effective teaching approaches to ensure comprehensive practice in all aspects of living.

May the practice of this school manifest wisdom and compassion, benefiting all beings.

See our listing of affiliated centers.